Saturday, November 30, 2013
Saludos de Peru!!
Hello friends! I am excited to be writing my first newsletter from Peru!! I arrived here on November 13 and it has been a whirlwind of activity since then. A small team from Jacksonville, Florida was already there when I arrived, so I went to a night service with them my second night here. It was a great feeling to worship with my fellow Peruvian Jesus lovers. On the 15th we celebrated Pastor Julio and Janet's 25th wedding anniversary with a ceremony in which they renewed their vows. It was a special time with family and I was privileged to be part of it. The following week was spent getting my room put together and spending time with the pastors' relatives.
This past week I started volunteering as the English teacher at a nearby school called PEPE's, teaching Christmas songs to the students. The students and the teachers are all fun to work with and it is a Christian school so it is nice to hear lessons being taught from the Bible! The school year ends in mid December, but I will be returning to teach when classes begin again in March.
Here at the church (Betesda) we have Sunday morning services, Wednesday evening services and the children's class on Saturdays. Jon Edwards, Deborah (Ps Julio's daughter) and I are putting together a Christmas presentation with the children so they can perform it when we have the Christmas service on December 22. My favorite part being here, I am not ashamed to say, is getting to know the kids! They are so eager to love :)
I am impressed with the faithfulness and honesty of the leadership here. Every message I've heard has been life-giving and challenging, but it's not just the way they talk - they live it as well. I look forward to learning from them and finding what God has in store for me here!
Lastly my wonderful friends, I want to thank you for being the best support family a girl could ask for. I have received many words of encouragement, which strengthen me each day. Never forget that you are a part of this work, too! Love you!
Laura Beth Murphree
Friday, November 8, 2013
Leaving the Known
In five days, I leave for Peru.
Today is the last full day I will spend in NY before I leave the country. Today is also the last full day I will spend in this house - ever. It is a strange feeling, knowing that your life is about to change pretty drastically and not only by one factor. My parents and I have lived here for almost 15 years and my father has turned what he bought as quite frankly, a mess, into a charming and welcoming home. Now, we are selling it and moving to a new town. Some people I know have lived in the same house their whole lives and feel no real attachment to it. Not so with me. I have purposely explored every inch of this property, getting to know it like a friend. I have specific memories attached to certain parts of the house and yard, landmarks of how I have grown as a person. Yes, I am very sentimental.
Some might say that I am too attached to passing things, especially in the light of a missionary calling. They are right. Probably the biggest lesson I have been learning in all of this preparation is that you can't hold on to anything except for God. I have been reminded of that phrase, "You can't take it with you," every time I feel like holding tightly onto what I have. It's not just because it won't fit in my suitcase (you can't fit an acre of land in, trust me) but because GOD HAS BETTER THINGS IN STORE FOR ME THAN MY PAST. All of my experiences, whether pleasant or painful, have been overseen and orchestrated by my loving heavenly Father. No object or piece of land has taught me anything, but rather has been a tool that He used to show Himself to me. That is what I long for, to see Him more clearly. To love like Him. To be more like Him. Holding on to what I know makes me comfortable is the best way to stall that kind of growth.
So, as I finish packing my suitcase and prepare to have my life changed (which is something you cannot really ever prepare for, it's always a surprise), my eyes must be locked on my Savior. There's no denying the pain of leaving behind what I love, but with Him at the helm there is no need for fear. As I write this I can't help but smile, my heart beating in anticipation of what we will do together in the coming days! A new chapter, a new adventure!
Today is the last full day I will spend in NY before I leave the country. Today is also the last full day I will spend in this house - ever. It is a strange feeling, knowing that your life is about to change pretty drastically and not only by one factor. My parents and I have lived here for almost 15 years and my father has turned what he bought as quite frankly, a mess, into a charming and welcoming home. Now, we are selling it and moving to a new town. Some people I know have lived in the same house their whole lives and feel no real attachment to it. Not so with me. I have purposely explored every inch of this property, getting to know it like a friend. I have specific memories attached to certain parts of the house and yard, landmarks of how I have grown as a person. Yes, I am very sentimental.
Some might say that I am too attached to passing things, especially in the light of a missionary calling. They are right. Probably the biggest lesson I have been learning in all of this preparation is that you can't hold on to anything except for God. I have been reminded of that phrase, "You can't take it with you," every time I feel like holding tightly onto what I have. It's not just because it won't fit in my suitcase (you can't fit an acre of land in, trust me) but because GOD HAS BETTER THINGS IN STORE FOR ME THAN MY PAST. All of my experiences, whether pleasant or painful, have been overseen and orchestrated by my loving heavenly Father. No object or piece of land has taught me anything, but rather has been a tool that He used to show Himself to me. That is what I long for, to see Him more clearly. To love like Him. To be more like Him. Holding on to what I know makes me comfortable is the best way to stall that kind of growth.
So, as I finish packing my suitcase and prepare to have my life changed (which is something you cannot really ever prepare for, it's always a surprise), my eyes must be locked on my Savior. There's no denying the pain of leaving behind what I love, but with Him at the helm there is no need for fear. As I write this I can't help but smile, my heart beating in anticipation of what we will do together in the coming days! A new chapter, a new adventure!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Wonderful news!
God has provided all of the funds I need to go to Peru!!!! I want to thank every one of you who has given financially, prayed, hoped for me etc, it means so much to me. I am so excited that the time has finally come, and I know that the biggest part of the adventure is yet to come.
My parents and I will be flying out to Colorado on November 9th to visit my sister and brother-in-law and their new baby girl. On November 12th, I will leave for Peru from the airport in Denver, arriving in Peru the following day. Jon Edwards tells me that a missions team from Florida will be arriving the same day, so I will not be the only new arrival ;) Some of the people coming I met in 2011 when I was doing my internship there, so it will be nice to see them again. On the 14th, Pastor Julio and his wife Janet will be celebrating their anniversary by renewing their vows. I am very happy that I will be there for that, as I consider them my family.
I will continue these updates while I am in Peru, so don't forget to look for them! If you have any questions, feel free to email or message me. Again, thank you so very much for all your support and love!
God has provided all of the funds I need to go to Peru!!!! I want to thank every one of you who has given financially, prayed, hoped for me etc, it means so much to me. I am so excited that the time has finally come, and I know that the biggest part of the adventure is yet to come.
My parents and I will be flying out to Colorado on November 9th to visit my sister and brother-in-law and their new baby girl. On November 12th, I will leave for Peru from the airport in Denver, arriving in Peru the following day. Jon Edwards tells me that a missions team from Florida will be arriving the same day, so I will not be the only new arrival ;) Some of the people coming I met in 2011 when I was doing my internship there, so it will be nice to see them again. On the 14th, Pastor Julio and his wife Janet will be celebrating their anniversary by renewing their vows. I am very happy that I will be there for that, as I consider them my family.
I will continue these updates while I am in Peru, so don't forget to look for them! If you have any questions, feel free to email or message me. Again, thank you so very much for all your support and love!
Wednesday, August 28, 2013
This is the day..
This is the day that the Lord has made. That is the thought that just came to my mind as I prepared to write this blog. Each day, "a clean slate without any mistakes on it," is a gift from my Redeemer. The truth is, pretty much as soon as I wake up, I start making mistakes. That is my nature as a human. The beauty of grace is that those mistakes do not hold me down, keeping me from ever overcoming them. The God who makes the sun rise each day also makes me an over-comer. If He, who beat sin and death has placed His Spirit in me, then I can do the same. One day at a time. Every day.
If all this waiting for my time to go to Peru has taught me anything, it is that I cannot just "wait". I must pursue by faith. I believe that a calling that is truly from God will take hold in your heart and remain there, pushing you on like nothing else. Mistakes, doubts, set backs...these hurdles test the strength of your faith. I have come to such hurdles and it is by the grace of God that I have overcome them. And what does grace look like? It looks like a friend who encourages me with their own passion and faith, it looks like a phone conversation with a pastor who promises to pray for me, it looks like the promises Jesus made to me in the Bible, or His quiet voice speaking to me in times of worship. I look forward with anticipation of what God will do, both here in the States and in my beloved Peru.
On this day that the Lord has made, I can praise Him for His provision! He has used many people, those I know and those I don't know, to provide funds for the calling He has placed in my heart. Since last I wrote, I have received money from places I did not expect, in amounts I did not expect! I have more than half of what I need for monthly support!! To me, that is amazing. It reminds me of how small my faith is in comparison to God's faithfulness. But even faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.
Thank you, dear friends, for having faith with me. Thank you for praying and believing and giving. May the Lord bless you with more faith :)
Laura Murphree

If all this waiting for my time to go to Peru has taught me anything, it is that I cannot just "wait". I must pursue by faith. I believe that a calling that is truly from God will take hold in your heart and remain there, pushing you on like nothing else. Mistakes, doubts, set backs...these hurdles test the strength of your faith. I have come to such hurdles and it is by the grace of God that I have overcome them. And what does grace look like? It looks like a friend who encourages me with their own passion and faith, it looks like a phone conversation with a pastor who promises to pray for me, it looks like the promises Jesus made to me in the Bible, or His quiet voice speaking to me in times of worship. I look forward with anticipation of what God will do, both here in the States and in my beloved Peru.
On this day that the Lord has made, I can praise Him for His provision! He has used many people, those I know and those I don't know, to provide funds for the calling He has placed in my heart. Since last I wrote, I have received money from places I did not expect, in amounts I did not expect! I have more than half of what I need for monthly support!! To me, that is amazing. It reminds me of how small my faith is in comparison to God's faithfulness. But even faith as small as a mustard seed can move mountains.
Thank you, dear friends, for having faith with me. Thank you for praying and believing and giving. May the Lord bless you with more faith :)
Laura Murphree
Contact Information:
Laura Murphree
4701 Buffalo Road
Warsaw, NY 14569
Phone: (585) 322-2618
Under Appointment by:
1703 Dalton Road
Lima, NY 14485-9516
Tax-deductible contributions: Checks to Elim Fellowship
"Preferred for Laura Murphree's support"
OR Online Giving at
Friday, July 12, 2013
This is Why
Hello every one!
First off I need to apologize for my lack of communication (aka no blog) last month. Time seems to slip away and I get distracted, and then I realize that I have left you all hanging. Despite my schedule being rather crazy lately, God has been doing good things in me. He is not hindered by my schedule :)
To be honest with you, a few weeks ago I was losing heart. Seeing the financial support come to what seemed a plateau discouraged me. I questioned if God really wanted me to go on this trip. You see, I was so busy looking at how difficult it is to get on the missions field, that I lost sight of WHY I am going and WHO is sending me. Thankfully, God is faithful to catch my attention through His Word, friends, and His Holy Spirit. He is bringing to light again what I had let slip into darkness.
Why am I going to Peru? I am going to Peru because I have been anointed to preach good news to the poor. Because God so loves His people that He searches for those who will show that love to those who cannot see it - and I have said, "Here am I. Send me." Because when I sit with a child and speak to him or her in my stuttering Spanish, God uses it to plant life in that child's heart. Because my life is a living testimony to the undying grace and mercy of my heavenly Father, and I cannot keep it to myself, in my comfortable boxed in life at home. Because when one person says "Yes" to the Lord, thousands of lives have the chance to be changed.
Who is sending me? The only one who matters. He is my savior and closest friend. He is the God of angel armies, my provider, the one who gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. He is Jesus Christ, Father God and Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!
Now that we have that cleared up :) I'll let you know how things are going.
I need $400.00 each month, for 12 months. So far, I have $80.00 promised for each month. That leaves $320.00 more I need in monthly support. That's $3,480.00 total for the whole year. If you are confused as to how monthly support works, I will tell you. If you pledge $20 a month - once a month, for one year's time, you would (as you are able) send $20 to Elim Fellowship designated to Laura Murphree. That $20 would be placed in my Elim Fellowship account, from which I would draw the money needed for each month.
I am still looking to have all the funds raised in time for me to leave for Peru this September. Time is short, but I am sure and confident that God will provide for all my needs. He will do that through whatever and whomever He pleases. Please pray and listen to hear His voice on this.
If you know anyone who would be interested in my mission, feel free to share this blog with them!!
Thank you!
You are wonderful, because you are His special treasure.
First off I need to apologize for my lack of communication (aka no blog) last month. Time seems to slip away and I get distracted, and then I realize that I have left you all hanging. Despite my schedule being rather crazy lately, God has been doing good things in me. He is not hindered by my schedule :)
To be honest with you, a few weeks ago I was losing heart. Seeing the financial support come to what seemed a plateau discouraged me. I questioned if God really wanted me to go on this trip. You see, I was so busy looking at how difficult it is to get on the missions field, that I lost sight of WHY I am going and WHO is sending me. Thankfully, God is faithful to catch my attention through His Word, friends, and His Holy Spirit. He is bringing to light again what I had let slip into darkness.
Why am I going to Peru? I am going to Peru because I have been anointed to preach good news to the poor. Because God so loves His people that He searches for those who will show that love to those who cannot see it - and I have said, "Here am I. Send me." Because when I sit with a child and speak to him or her in my stuttering Spanish, God uses it to plant life in that child's heart. Because my life is a living testimony to the undying grace and mercy of my heavenly Father, and I cannot keep it to myself, in my comfortable boxed in life at home. Because when one person says "Yes" to the Lord, thousands of lives have the chance to be changed.
Who is sending me? The only one who matters. He is my savior and closest friend. He is the God of angel armies, my provider, the one who gives power to the weak and strength to the powerless. He is Jesus Christ, Father God and Holy Spirit!!!!!!!!!!
Now that we have that cleared up :) I'll let you know how things are going.
I need $400.00 each month, for 12 months. So far, I have $80.00 promised for each month. That leaves $320.00 more I need in monthly support. That's $3,480.00 total for the whole year. If you are confused as to how monthly support works, I will tell you. If you pledge $20 a month - once a month, for one year's time, you would (as you are able) send $20 to Elim Fellowship designated to Laura Murphree. That $20 would be placed in my Elim Fellowship account, from which I would draw the money needed for each month.
I am still looking to have all the funds raised in time for me to leave for Peru this September. Time is short, but I am sure and confident that God will provide for all my needs. He will do that through whatever and whomever He pleases. Please pray and listen to hear His voice on this.
If you know anyone who would be interested in my mission, feel free to share this blog with them!!
Thank you!
You are wonderful, because you are His special treasure.
Thursday, May 9, 2013
Let's Talk
You know, it really is amazing that God would let me, yes call me to travel thousands of miles away to bless people in a different country. I don't know if all of you know this, but the country of Peru has been intriguing to me ever since....well before I got interested in missionary work. How beautiful that is, that He prepared my heart ahead of time. He knew. And I know that there is more to come! Where, when, I do not know. But I have surrendered my life to His use, and He has promised to bless it!!!
I am going to break away from my usual format here, if that's ok with ya'll. As much as I'd like to sit down with each of you and spend some quality time talking about what God is doing in your life, what your dreams are, as well as the mundane daily things, I cannot. There are just so many of you wonderful people and we are all busy! SO. Here are a couple of things that have been going on with me.
1. Something really nice that I have been doing is meeting new people and getting to know acquaintances better. For example, I have met with several pastors to talk about my trip to Peru. Without fail, these meetings have resulted in my receiving love, wisdom, and encouragement. I understand that pastors are "suppose to" do that, but let me tell you - each man and woman that God calls to be a pastor has their own struggles and challenges. Knowing this, I am humbled and blessed that they would take the time to listen to me ( a youngster in this ministry thing :) and share their life lessons with me!
2. I got to meet a woman whom I now consider a friend at my job this past month. We were sort of thrown together to handle a bunch of kids, without having previously met. It turned out that we could relate to one another well, and it was nice to have that in a what can be trying environment :) I really appreciate her and am thankful that God let us get to know each other!
3. I have two jobs, one working with kids and another at a hotel, doing housekeeping. The housekeeping job is pretty much a seasonal deal, and I have been wondering if I should look for something closer to my home. I very much dislike leaving jobs because I do not want my employers think ill of me (which is ridiculous really). So, I was trying to figure out how/when to quit that job, getting myself all nervous. Then God did His thing. A few days ago, I received my pay check in the mail and with it a letter from the owners of the hotel, saying that they had just signed the papers to sell the business to new owners, and that they would be doing their own hiring. They suggested that I start looking for a new job, thanking me for all the work I had done for them and praying for blessing ( yes, they are Christians:) You see that?!! I am now training for a new summer job.
For those of you still reading this, I applaud you :) I know this has not been the conventional missions trip blog update, but I felt like this was a good idea. If you are anxious to find out how my support is going, then you can read this:
Any gift is still welcome! A one-time gift will bring down the amount I need for monthly support. Monthly pledges can be $5 a month, $20 a month... $100 :) or whatever you feel is right! However the MOST IMPORTANT support I ask for is PRAYER!! Right now I ask that you would keep Pastor Julio Cavassa in your prayers. He is back home and going through therapy, but He still needs more strength and all the blessings you can send His way! The doctors want to give him a mouth guard to keep his jaw from healing crooked, but he cannot open his mouth wide enough to get one in. This is slowing down the healing. His wife Janet also needs prayer, as she is giving her energy in caring for him.
I am going to break away from my usual format here, if that's ok with ya'll. As much as I'd like to sit down with each of you and spend some quality time talking about what God is doing in your life, what your dreams are, as well as the mundane daily things, I cannot. There are just so many of you wonderful people and we are all busy! SO. Here are a couple of things that have been going on with me.
1. Something really nice that I have been doing is meeting new people and getting to know acquaintances better. For example, I have met with several pastors to talk about my trip to Peru. Without fail, these meetings have resulted in my receiving love, wisdom, and encouragement. I understand that pastors are "suppose to" do that, but let me tell you - each man and woman that God calls to be a pastor has their own struggles and challenges. Knowing this, I am humbled and blessed that they would take the time to listen to me ( a youngster in this ministry thing :) and share their life lessons with me!
2. I got to meet a woman whom I now consider a friend at my job this past month. We were sort of thrown together to handle a bunch of kids, without having previously met. It turned out that we could relate to one another well, and it was nice to have that in a what can be trying environment :) I really appreciate her and am thankful that God let us get to know each other!
3. I have two jobs, one working with kids and another at a hotel, doing housekeeping. The housekeeping job is pretty much a seasonal deal, and I have been wondering if I should look for something closer to my home. I very much dislike leaving jobs because I do not want my employers think ill of me (which is ridiculous really). So, I was trying to figure out how/when to quit that job, getting myself all nervous. Then God did His thing. A few days ago, I received my pay check in the mail and with it a letter from the owners of the hotel, saying that they had just signed the papers to sell the business to new owners, and that they would be doing their own hiring. They suggested that I start looking for a new job, thanking me for all the work I had done for them and praying for blessing ( yes, they are Christians:) You see that?!! I am now training for a new summer job.
For those of you still reading this, I applaud you :) I know this has not been the conventional missions trip blog update, but I felt like this was a good idea. If you are anxious to find out how my support is going, then you can read this:
Any gift is still welcome! A one-time gift will bring down the amount I need for monthly support. Monthly pledges can be $5 a month, $20 a month... $100 :) or whatever you feel is right! However the MOST IMPORTANT support I ask for is PRAYER!! Right now I ask that you would keep Pastor Julio Cavassa in your prayers. He is back home and going through therapy, but He still needs more strength and all the blessings you can send His way! The doctors want to give him a mouth guard to keep his jaw from healing crooked, but he cannot open his mouth wide enough to get one in. This is slowing down the healing. His wife Janet also needs prayer, as she is giving her energy in caring for him.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Your Thoughts are Higher than Mine
Happy Monday, Friends!!
I hope that you have been experiencing the GRACE of God in your life lately. I grow more aware of grace every day, and it is a humbling thing for sure. A beautiful, clarifying thing.
Well, God has been up to some things! First of all, He has provided abundantly for my needs. I am happy to announce that the support for my start-up cost has been reached!!!!!!! Through your prayer, God's faithfulness and willing hearts, we have gotten over the first financial hurdle :) I am confident that the next hurdle will be passed soon as well. What is the next hurdle, you ask? ....
Monthly support! Any amount that you can faithfully give on a monthly basis, for one year, is a gift that will enable me to stay in Peru and continue the work that God has called me to. So far I have $80.00 promised, which means I need $306.00 more. Whether you can give $5, $10, or $100 a month, it all helps :)
The second thing that God has been up to is something that I don't understand, but He does. Some of you may have read or heard about the accident that happened involving the pastor of the church I will be serving in. In March, Pastor Julio fell off the roof of the church building, suffering injuries in his leg, hip, arm, and jaw. He was taken to a hospital in Piura, where he was put on a waiting list for surgery. After about two weeks, he was finally worked on and is now home with his family. The doctor had his jaw wired shut, and his body will require a few months to heal. Due to this, he will not be leading services for the next few months. After correspondence between the leaders at Elim Fellowship and the church in Peru, it has been decided that it would be best if I post-pone my original departure date until I get an OK from Elim and the church. So, with that said, I am still planning on spending one year in Peru, in the same place, but will not be leaving in May as originally planned. I will continue to seek support and most certainly ask for prayer - now even more that my family in Peru is in need of God's grace! Please join with me in declaring healing and restoration over that family and the church.
Like I said, I don't understand why this happened, and it certainly was not in my plan. My original reaction was to get angry and confused. Why would God let this happen? Was He closing the door to Peru? Did I hear Him wrong when I felt called? These are all natural thoughts for man (or in my case, woman) to think when big changes take place that we are not prepared for. But the amazing thing is that God knew that this was going to happen, and it does not scare or throw Him off one bit! He can take a terrible situation, like the accident Pastor Julio was in, and turn it into something He uses to bring breakthrough! Whatever the purpose God has in all this, I know it is good, because..
"All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
Thank you again for your support, friendship and prayers.
Love, Laura
1703 Dalton Road
I hope that you have been experiencing the GRACE of God in your life lately. I grow more aware of grace every day, and it is a humbling thing for sure. A beautiful, clarifying thing.
Well, God has been up to some things! First of all, He has provided abundantly for my needs. I am happy to announce that the support for my start-up cost has been reached!!!!!!! Through your prayer, God's faithfulness and willing hearts, we have gotten over the first financial hurdle :) I am confident that the next hurdle will be passed soon as well. What is the next hurdle, you ask? ....
Monthly support! Any amount that you can faithfully give on a monthly basis, for one year, is a gift that will enable me to stay in Peru and continue the work that God has called me to. So far I have $80.00 promised, which means I need $306.00 more. Whether you can give $5, $10, or $100 a month, it all helps :)
The second thing that God has been up to is something that I don't understand, but He does. Some of you may have read or heard about the accident that happened involving the pastor of the church I will be serving in. In March, Pastor Julio fell off the roof of the church building, suffering injuries in his leg, hip, arm, and jaw. He was taken to a hospital in Piura, where he was put on a waiting list for surgery. After about two weeks, he was finally worked on and is now home with his family. The doctor had his jaw wired shut, and his body will require a few months to heal. Due to this, he will not be leading services for the next few months. After correspondence between the leaders at Elim Fellowship and the church in Peru, it has been decided that it would be best if I post-pone my original departure date until I get an OK from Elim and the church. So, with that said, I am still planning on spending one year in Peru, in the same place, but will not be leaving in May as originally planned. I will continue to seek support and most certainly ask for prayer - now even more that my family in Peru is in need of God's grace! Please join with me in declaring healing and restoration over that family and the church.
Like I said, I don't understand why this happened, and it certainly was not in my plan. My original reaction was to get angry and confused. Why would God let this happen? Was He closing the door to Peru? Did I hear Him wrong when I felt called? These are all natural thoughts for man (or in my case, woman) to think when big changes take place that we are not prepared for. But the amazing thing is that God knew that this was going to happen, and it does not scare or throw Him off one bit! He can take a terrible situation, like the accident Pastor Julio was in, and turn it into something He uses to bring breakthrough! Whatever the purpose God has in all this, I know it is good, because..
"All things work together for good to those who love God and are called according to His purpose."
Romans 8:28
Thank you again for your support, friendship and prayers.
Love, Laura
Contact Information:
Laura Murphree
4701 Buffalo Road
Warsaw, NY 14569
Phone: (585) 322-2618
Under Appointment by:
1703 Dalton Road
Lima, NY 14485-9516
Tax-deductible contributions: Checks to Elim Fellowship
"Preferred for Laura Murphree's support"
OR Online Giving at
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Praise Him!
Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone who has given towards this trip!! I am amazed by your generous gifts.
I am glad to tell you that there is only $650 to go for the initial cost :) I still need $320 in monthly support pledges.
God is soooo good!
Be expecting a much lengthier update in the next few days.
Love love love,
Laura Beth
I am glad to tell you that there is only $650 to go for the initial cost :) I still need $320 in monthly support pledges.
God is soooo good!
Be expecting a much lengthier update in the next few days.
Love love love,
Laura Beth
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
March Newsletter
Hello friends :)
It’s three months into my
adventure ( I say that because preparing for missionary life is as much a part
of the adventure as is the going) and God is doing amazing things! I have
received a few generous donations from churches and friends who have felt God’s
release to give. God has a way of surprising me with blessings that I do not
expect - like when I recently shared at a church and the pastor promised that
they would give one whole month’s worth of support!! Hallelujah!!
After the pledges that have
already been made, I am still in need of the following:
$327 in pledges for monthly
$1,950 in one time gifts
Remember that any amount you
can give counts! When we give in faith, God is able to take our seed and make
it grow a hundred fold. In this case, the seeds you sow are going into the
“soil” of Peruvian hearts and lives! Many of the people that I will be serving
have grown up knowing only poverty and what the world can give them - which is
not much. God longs for them to know HIM, the life and purpose He offers! That
is why another thing you can do (and probably the most effective too) is to pray.
I have been sent to go to the field in person. When you pray, you in effect are
also in the field with me, doing the work of God!!! How cool is that?
I would like to share
something with you that God has been teaching me lately. As I prepare for this
trip, there are things that I have to do that I am not comfortable doing.
Writing these letters, asking people for money, and standing in front of large
groups of people to give presentations are some examples. The reason I do not
feel comfortable doing these things is because of fear, plain and simple. The
thing about fear is, God has not called me (or you) to it. He did not create us
to fear but to boldly proclaim His love and follow Him without looking behind.
Did you know that fear is a
sin? Did you also know that the Bible says that “love covers a multitude of
sins”? If this is true, then love covers fear. If God is love, and God is in
us, then God’s love in us covers and conquers fear! This is good news!
God’s love and blessing,
Contact Information:
Laura Murphree
4701 Buffalo Road
Warsaw, NY 14569
Phone: (585) 322-2618
1703 Dalton Road
Lima, NY 14485-9516
Tax-deductible contributions: Checks to Elim Fellowship
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