Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Who Knew?! God did.

Dear friends,

I know that I say this every time I write, but I am so grateful to you for the support and prayers that you have given for me. There are days when I feel hopeless, dry or stressed, and then peace comes over me just when I need it most. When I receive a note of encouragement it lifts my spirits. Due to God's faithfulness and your love, my time here has been blessed and fruitful. I have learned more about life and God in the last three months than I could have imagined. The people that I have met and ministered to have ministered to me, even more than I to them I think!

As you should know, I came to Peru planning to live here for one full year. Before I left, I checked all the visa requirements for a US citizen traveling to Peru, and had the understanding that after 6 months I would have to renew my visa for the second 6 months. However, to live in Peru is to experience changes :) The government recently changed the laws and now they do not allow more than a 6 month tourist visa per year (In my case, 2014). This means that I cannot stay in Peru any later than May. I must return to my country of citizenship and return to Peru no earlier than January 2015.

Upon receiving this news, I contacted Tom Brazell, the International Ministires Director at Elim Fellowship. After much prayer and consideration with Tom and my leaders here on the field, I have concluded that my only option at this point is to return to NY in May, thus ending my one-year appointment. Needless to say, this is not what I had in mind. But I am secure in this - that God knew that this would happen, and He sent me anyway. He never sends without a purpose! If He allows it, I would like to return to Peru someday in the not-too far future. I promise that I will let you know if He does :)

I have purchased a plane ticket back to NY on May 1, and God willing I will arrive in Rochester on May 2 in the afternoon. I will be staying with my parents in their new home in Mt Morris- another new experience! I trust that God has great things in store for me even there, because He loves to show off His sovereignty!

However, I am still here in Piura for another two months, and my work is not finished yet! As long as I am still here, until the end of April , I ask that you would continue to stand behind me financially. As of May 2014, I will no longer need your monthly financial support.

Again I say THANK YOU for being so great :) for standing with me while I am on this journey, trusting  that He who calls, knows all.  If you have any questions, feel free to email me at or message me on facebook.

Much love,

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